We're a church that plays an active part in our local, national, and international communities.

At Hope, we don't just sit back and watch the world go by. Whether it's helping a neighbor down the road or traveling to Nicaragua to help build a mission, we put on our boots and gloves, roll up our sleeves, and get involved!

Missions keep us connected to life outside our comfort zone and enlarge our vision of the world. Hope supports regular missions to reach youth in other communities and countries. Both adults and teens participate in missions, whether it’s a planned program such as mission trips to Belize and Appalachia, or responding to natural disasters such as Hurricane clean-up. Through the 'Gift of Hope’ we support our church members as well as the local community. If you have a heart to serve others through house decorating, moving, repairs, garden work, or anything else, Hope can use you to help others in need!

For more details on Outreach and Missions activities contact Carroll Streetman at (813) 205-2715. 

Missions Update:
Buchanan Middle School – Pantry Items
Buchanan Middle School is a Title 1 school with most families classified as low income to poverty status;
85% of the students need assistance with food, Hygiene and household items. There is a list of items needed and
A collection bucket in the lobby. They need everything from can goods, Diapers to laundry detergent.
Monetary donations are also appreciated.
We also want to thank those of you who have already donated. These items were delivered to the school and they are extremely appreciative.
Oasis Pregnancy Center:
Oasis Pregnancy Care Centers have served the Tampa Bay area for 10 years by offering free and confidential Pregnancy Services.
Ultrasounds, Parenting Classes, Pregnancy Testing etc. They are a nonprofit and have 3 locations in Tampa, Wesley Chapel and Land O Lakes."
To financially help support them we are filling empty Baby Bottles with loose coins, dollar bills and checks. We will delivery them to Oasis November 1st. The Baby Bottles have been placed on the round table in the lobby. Please feel free to pick some up and return them by November 1st.
Oasis Pregnancy Center also welcomes volunteers. If you want to know more about it please see Gay Carter.
Somebody Cares Tampa Bay:
Somebody Cares Tampa Bay is a Non-Profit Organization who assist poverty-stricken families and the working poor.
We work with them each year with the Care fest Project. This is where you adopt a family in need to do home repairs.
Somebody Cares is in need of supplies to help the volunteers have tools to work with on these projects.
The tools can be New or Used just in good condition. They can use everything from Nails, Shovels, Rakes, weed eaters, hammers etc.
If you have some New or Used tools or other supplies you would like to donate please bring them to church. We will store them in
Our Missions Shed and deliver them to Somebody Cares. If you have any questions about the type of tools or supplies please see Lyn McGregor.
Cafe Esperanza:
Cafe Esperanza is open at our Hope House most Wednesday afternoons between 1:30 and 5:00 pm, except during summer.  We offer a safe, quiet, clean area with free wifi, for people to meet, refresh themselves and connect with others or to socialize.  Coffee is always free.  Refreshments and treats available at a nominal fee and donations are always welcome.  Stop by between 1:30 and 5:00 pm to meet a friend or get to know us.  We hope to see you there.