If you are new to the city or looking for a church community to belong to or just want to check out what Christianity is all about, then come and visit us. Church Services start at 10:30 am.
You can come dressed as casual as you want.
You can park right by the building and be met by our friendly greeters.
Your children will be made welcome as there is provision for babies and children through grade 5.
We worship God in song, read His word, pray to Him, and listen to His voice through a passage of the Bible being explained and applied to everyday life (there are recordings on this site).
Finally, join us after Sunday Service for fellowship, coffee and cake. We look forward to telling you more about the Hope Family.
There are a lot of other ways to connect with people through the activities that go on at Hope and you can find more information about them on this site. Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:30 am. Hope to see you there!