In 1991 Bob and his wife Suzanne met Gerry and Sandra Manzi. Gerry loved the Lord and was a very kind, gentle and patient man. He has since gone to be with the Lord. Bob and Suzanne were in their late 20's and they thought they had the world figured out, Bob certainly thought he did not need God. Suzanne was already a believer. They had been married for three years and had yet to have any children.  Life was good or so they thought.  There was definitely something special Bob saw in the Manzi couple and Bob wanted what they had.
Gerry shared the Gospel with Bob and invited him to join him at a Sunday service. Bob turned him down many times until July of that year. Bob and Suzanne finally agreed to join him and his wife Sandy.  They went to a service and the Gospel was shared and Bob went forward and made a public profession of faith.  God used the speaker that day to change his heart.  
Although they did not have children at the time, they were certainly starting to think about them and their son Nick was born a little over a year later in Nov, 1992 and then their daughter, Seychelle, 28 months later in March 1995.  They raised their children in the church and dedicated them to the Lord as infants.  They both now know the Lord and walk with Him.
The thing to notice here is Gerry never gave up on Bob.  He persisted and loved me where I was at. God used him in mighty ways to reach Bob and ultimately changes his life and the course he took with both his marriage and his children .


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